ELIM SAFFRON BULBS are locally grown in the Karoo, South Africa.

The bulbs do not need to be subjected to an acclimatising period which is the case with imported bulbs.

Elim Saffron Bulbs for Sale – South Africa

Saffron (Crocus sativus) is an exceptionally hardy plant which make the Karoo, Klein Karoo, Northern Cape and other dry, arid and semi-arid areas are suitable for growing saffron. Areas where there is scarcity of water, cold (icy) winters and dry, warm summers are favourable conditions for growing saffron. Not only is it tolerant of minus degrees but it is also extremely heat-tolerant and can survive the average maximum summer temperatures of 36 degrees celcius.

Saffron (Crocus Sativus) can provide a solution for many farmers in these dry, arid areas. If good quality saffron is produced it can offer good possibilities as a high-value crop. Hence it allows to produce profitable vegetation from seeminly unprofitable soil.

About Saffron

Why Grow Saffron in the Karoo?

Saffron (Crocus sativus) is an exceptionally hardy plant which make large areas in South Africa (arid and semi arid) suitable for saffron farming. With its scarcity of water, icy winters, and dry, warm summers, favourable for growing conditions for this plant. 

Long cold winters with short daylight time is ideal for growing saffron. The plant literally thinks it is growing but due to the low temperatures it grows minimally which allows it to survive in relatively short daylight hours.

Experiments have shown that the Saffron plant can survive severe temperatures of up to -18°C, so the fact that the Karoo is a winter rainfall area with average minimum winter temperatures of -7 °C in this area according to the Richardson Scale, provides favourable growing conditions.


Not only is it tolerant of minus degrees but it is also extremely heat-tolerant and can survive the average maximum summer temperatures of 36 °C. 

As Saffron corms can be grown in dry or semi-dry soil types it also makes it well suited for this region with its average annual rainfall between only 200 – 350mm. Hence it allows to produce profitable vegetation from seemingly unprofitable soil.

This high value niche product could provide immense opportunities for farmers in the area and potentially lead to a farming revival in the region.” (Says Eric Brown) who bought his first Saffron corms in 2019, planted 220,000 bulbs of saffron on 0.66 hectare during the first week of March 2021, and have harvested his first flowers.

It offers new opportunities for farmers that suffered under the harsh drought conditions in South Africa and provides job creation for workers in the rural regions of the Karoo.

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Price List 2024

1 – 20 Bulbs = R25 ea

21 – 100 Bulbs = R20 ea

101 – 499 Bulbs = R18 ea

500 – 999 Bulbs = R15 ea

1 000 – 4 999 Bulbs = R12 ea

5 000 – 24 999 Bulbs = R10 ea

25 000 – 49 999 Bulbs = R8 ea

50 000 – 99 999 Bulbs = R6 ea

100 000 – 250 000 Bulbs = R5 ea

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